
Saturday, November 13, 2010

Praise Him in the Potty!

Rock Star Reagan...Praising Jesus!
Now, we all know that we are supposed to worship in the everyday gritty real world.

Today, I was witness to some good old-fashioned potty praising.

My daughter Reagan loves to sing praise songs.  Many songs are original material.  As a 5 year old songstress, Miss Reagan already has quite the repertoire.  She has penned such classic lyrics as "and you know what you can know because you know what you know..." and "love, love, love, love, love."

Most of  Reagan's songs are centered on her love of Jesus.  Sometimes, however, she gets her theology a little wrong.

When her younger brother pushed her from the trampoline on Halloween, causing her to break her arm, Reagan had to spend a good 7 hours in the hospital.

During her stay, many doctors and nurses were lavishing gifts upon our little princess.  Something about her bent arm and the loud screaming just captured their hearts.

So impressed was little Reagan about all of the SWAG she was accumulating during her hospital visit, that she opined, "It's like they're praising the Lord, and I'm their Lord!"

Yikes, Reagan, walk it back a bit.

And yet, so often Reagan's tender heart sings praises to the Lord that are so beyond her years in understanding and worship that it melts my heart.

A Disney princess expert, Reagan was recently asked which princess was her favorite.  Her answer?  Queen Esther.  Queen Esther, she argued, not only was pretty but she also loved God and made the wise choice to trust Him no matter what.  (Special shout out to the awesome 252 curriculum for helping teach those deep truths to my kids!)

So when God asks in Jeremiah 23:24 "Can anyone hide in secret places so that I cannot see him?" and continues that, "Do not I fill heaven and earth?" apparently little Reagan was paying attention.

So desirous of also following Jesus' teaching in Matthew 6:6: "But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you," is our little Reagan, that she decided to potty praise this morning.

Walking by our bathroom, I heard little Reagan singing at the top of her lungs, "I have the joy of the Lord, I love Him, I have His joy, and I sing his joy and I love His joy!  Oh, I love Him, I have joy!"

I stood there enjoying this uninterrupted Daddy moment.  Enjoying the tender praise of my little girl to her Lord.  The little girl that I felt powerless to protect and help on Halloween when her arm was mangled.  The little girl that spent the first 3 months screaming all through the night.  The little girl that I spent countless nights holding during those fits and just praying for my little princess.

Then, suddenly, found myself snapped back to reality when she abruptly finished her worship song by yelling, "Dad, can you wipe me?"

Poop and praise.  Not two things you would usually put together.  Then again, the Lord does tend to use the ordinary things in life to bring him praise.

So Reagan's lesson for today: Get your potty praise on!

1 comment:

  1. I am laughing. out loud. at the poop part. this was really awesome.


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