
Monday, July 4, 2011

Halle, our Word-Wielding Bug Whacker!

Bugs, beware!
She’s more formidable than Raid...
Halle is coming atcha’s with her BIBLE!

All I gotta say – I’m glad I bought her Bible in the hard cover edition! Here’s how it all went down yesterday morning…

On the way to church, a bug decided to buzz past Halle’s head and dance around on her window setting off quite a van disturbance! Jared, our almost 10 year old, has sensory issues with noise and bugs, so this insect escapade should have set him off into a panic, but instead he got mad at Halle, our 6 year old fearless bug-squisher, because she had the audacity to use her BIBLE to whack the bug to smithereens.

While Brad & our oldest teen son were already at church, here’s a rundown of how my ride to church went with our other 5 kids…

“It’s over there, now!”
“AHHH!” WHACK! “I got it! Uh, nope, I didn’t!”
Hysterical laughter…
“This is not funny!”
“Halle, don’t use the Bible!”
“How’s she doing, Chrissy?”
“Where did it go?”
“It’s in the crack! IN the crack!”
“What in the world…”
“She got it, oh, there it is again…”
Giggles and then a WHACK!
“It’s gone now!”
“No it’s not, it’s on your Bible, Halle!”
A chorus of “ewwws” while Halle keeps giggling!
“Halle, here’s a tissue.”
“That’s disgusting!
Halle keeps giggling as she swipes the guts away!
“You should NOT use the Bible, Halle, for killing bugs.”
…More giggling, from both little girls…
“Did you hear me, Halle Mira?”
“Shew! Glad that’s over.”

I so wish that all was caught on video!

Ironically, after the guts were gone, I was stunned as I remembered that Jared, on the autism spectrum, IGNORED his intense fear of bugs to chastise Halle for using the Bible as a weapon! Fascinating! He set aside his self-preservation needs for the care of the BIBLE! How super cool!

After we all caught our breaths, I told Jared that it was okay Halle used her Bible in her Bug Battle – I explained to the kids that the Bible is called our SWORD, so she wasn’t too far off in using it against an enemy – even if it was a lightning bug, or so we believe!

Here’s the thing, though… how many of us REALLY use our Swords? Do we wield the Words of our Lord to do spiritual battle as much as we should? I know I don’t. We get caught up with the Word being bound in leather and on paper… when it’s supposed to be IN us – His power living in us!

How often do we swat away gnat-issues with our own personal ideas or logic? Do we think they’re not big enough to use the Word? Oh, and what about our bigger issues – do we bug-bomb our homes with His Word and our lives with prayer when the Enemy attacks with crisis, illness, rejection? Nothing makes the spiritual "bugs" flee faster than a house filled with praise!

As the kids’ worship chorus states: Our God is so BIG! So strong and so mighty there’s nothing my God can not do – for YOU! Use the Word to overcome your fear!

We must use the Word everyday, in every circumstance, relating our daily lives straight back to His Words, not our own! We should make His power-words a part of our everyday family vocabulary: grace, love, gentleness, prayer, mercy, unity, care, etc. Kids who learn these powerful Truths at younger ages will use the Scripture to do battles throughout their lives in a more fluid nature. It’ll become natural for them to behave as SUPER-natural FEAR Killers!

Heh, heh...
Halle said a few moments later, "I like killing bugs!"
Uh, oh! I definitely need to redirect her to killing spiritual bugs, instead! I'm totally okay with her whacking away bossiness (pride), laziness, and disobedience, though!

So…. Got “bugs”? Annoyed or freaked out about 'em? Use the Word!
Although I dunno about the whole killing-God’s-scared-glow-in-the-dark-creatures thing is a topic I should take on next with my crew….

One Battle/Bible-lesson at a time, right?

Renee Balassaitis

Ephesians 6:17
"Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God."
This picture is a dramatization. No bugs were squished in the making of this picture.


  1. Awesome first post my friend! Great job! I love when silly moments like this can be used to impart some Biblical truth to our kids!

  2. Love it Renee. Our Pre-schoolers were singing Our God is So big all of May! Awesome post.


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